Sharda info solutions Pvt. Ltd., is committed to protecting the privacy of this website. Information collection practices. For greater details you may write to:

What information is collected and how is it used?
Users are asked to provide information about themselves (e.g., name) and their contact details. We contact users if they so desire. Filling the relevant forms enables s to assess your requirements effectively.
The data collected by us is used primarily for marketing analysis and planning.


Users may register for site notifications, newsletters or other information via email. Users may remove themselves from such services at their discretion.

various measures are taken for site security. These include encryption tools and software, and other reasonable security measures and procedures. Internal access to users' private and non-public personal information is restricted to site administrators and individuals on a needtoknow basis.

In the event that Sharda info solutions Pvt. Ltd., becomes aware that security has been compromised or user nonpublic information has been disclosed to unrelated third parties as a result of external activity, including but not limited to external security attacks, the Company shall take reasonable measures that it deems appropriate, including but not limited to internal investigation and reporting, and notification to and cooperation with law enforcement authorities, notwithstanding other provisions of this Statement.

If Sharda info solutions Pvt. Ltd., becomes aware that a user's personal information provided to has been disclosed in a manner not permitted by this Privacy Statement, Sharda info solutions Pvt. Ltd. shall make reasonable efforts to notify the affected user, as soon as reasonably possible and as permitted by law, of what information has been disclosed, to the extent that knows this information.

Sharda info solutions Pvt. Ltd., reserves the right to disclose information contained in our access logs concerning any user, as we reasonably feel is necessary to protect our systems or business. In particular, the Company reserves the right to disclose such when a user is in violation of our current or later Terms of Use or other published guidelines, or initiates or participates (or is reasonably believed so) in any illegal activity, even without a subpoena, warrant, or other court order, and to disclose such information in response to court and governmental orders, civil subpoenas, discovery requests, and as otherwise required by law.

Updates to the Privacy Statement
To update the Privacy Statement, Sharda info solutions Pvt. Ltd., will both post the changed version and its effective date here.
Last modified 01st September, 2011.

No Guarantees

While this Privacy Statement expresses Sharda info solutions Pvt. Ltd., standards for maintenance of private data, the Company is not in a position to guarantee that the standards will always be met. There may be factors beyond our control that may result in disclosure of data. As a consequence, Sharda info solutions Pvt. Ltd., disclaims any warranties or representations relating to maintenance or nondisclosure of private information.



Contact Details

Sharda Info Solutions Private Limited
26, Dilkusha Park, New Katra, Allahabad - 211002 (INDIA)
Telephone: 0532-3249871

Mobile: +91-9415237954
Fax: 0532-2640260



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